Appearance-guided Synthesis of Element Arrangements by Example

Thomas Hurtut, Pierre-Edouard Landes, Joëlle Thollot,
Yann Gousseau, Rémy Drouilhet, Jean-François Coeurjolly

NPAR: 7th International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, 2009

Given a reference arrangement composed of vector elements (left), our analysis scheme divides the raw element set into appearance categories (center). Spatial interactions based on appearance can be learned by statistical modeling and exploited to yield visually similar arrangements (right).


We present a technique for the analysis and re-synthesis of 2D arrangements of stroke-based vector elements. The capture of an artist's style by the sole posterior analysis of his/her achieved drawing poses a formidable challenge. Such by-example techniques could become one of the most intuitive tools for users to alleviate creation process efforts. Here, we propose to tackle this issue from a statistical point of view and take specific care of accounting for information usually overlooked in previous research, namely the elements' very appearance. Composed of curve-like strokes, we describe elements by a concise set of perceptually relevant features. After detecting appearance dominant traits, we can generate new arrangements that respect the captured appearance-related spatial statistics using multitype point processes. Our method faithfully reproduces visually similar arrangements and relies on neither heuristics nor post-processes to ensure statistical correctness.


  author       = "Hurtut, Thomas and Landes, Pierre-Edouard and Thollot, Jo{\"e}lle and Gousseau, 
  		  Yann and Drouilhet, R\'emy and Coeurjolly, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois",
  title        = "Appearance-guided Synthesis of Element Arrangements by Example",
  booktitle    = "Proc. of the 7th International Symposium on Non-photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR'09)",
  year         = "2009",
  pages        = "51-60",
  publisher    = "ACM Press"


Paper pdf (2mo)
Slides pptx (19mo)
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More results



Using the Mucha background mask and the small texture sample

Using the Hokusai background, the small texture sample and the grayscaled paintbrush intensity constraint


GT MATAIM Paris Descartes, March 19, 2010:
LIASD Paris 8, January 19, 2010
ECAIS, Paris, November 6, 2009
NPAR talks, New Orleans, August 1, 2009
LI-RFAI Paris, May 20, 2009
LIP6-MALIRE Paris, April 30, 2009


This work was supported by an INRIA-ARTIS fund and a LJK-CNRS postdoctoral fund.